Cross-stitch - one of the ancient cross-cultural embroidery technique.
Popular handmade cross-stitch embroidery is presented in cultures of many nations. The history of the cross-stitch art has more than one hundred years.
Traditional ukrainian patterns assosiated exactly with cross-stitch embroidery.
In the 21st Century, in time of computers and Internet, handmade cross-stitch embroidery can be an asset for a hobby of the talented crafters.
You just need to choose the correct thread type and cross-stitch size and only experienced expert can distinguish handmade cross-stitch from embroidered by the machine.
Computer machine cross-stitch embroidery is a succesful try to creat immitation of the embroidered handmade pattern.
Machine embroidery have become popular innovation in the apparel industry and requires another technological methods to create patterns on clothes.
Nowadays cross-stitch embroidery is used in mass production and can be combined with various forms of stitching and even may have hand-crafted look.
The difference between hand cross-stitch and machine embroidery
The main difference in method of making X-shaped stitches. Hand embroidery is created with only one single top thread. In case of machine embroidery the pattern is created by two threads - top thread and under thread. Cross-stitching by hand consists of two cross stitches.
There is no way to put cross stitches like that with top thread like in hand embroidery. That's why were developed other unique technique, whereby you have to use five stitches instead of two. Although, it seems more complicated, but embroidery machine is able to produce needed pattern faster with five threads, than the most experienced craft artist with two threads.
Common types of cross-stitch embroidery
More detailed information about cross-stitch types you can get in this article
Stitch density depends on artist idea. Creating the pattern, you can increase cross density or add pattern density by decreasing the cross size.
There is no sense to make the cross less than two millimeters, the main reason is that you can lose the shape of the cross.
To make embroidered rows more dense, you should to stitch out crosses in some layers
Single cross sample. 4800 stitches. used thin thread and it looks not very vivid.
Double cross sample. 7900 stitches. Usual thin thread. It's alter option between single (inexpensive option) and triple (expensive option). This is beautiful and affordable version to cut your expenses.
Triple cross sample. The most expensive option. 11000 stitches. No doubt, it looks perfect.
If you want to add dimension and surface texture to your pattern, you should consider to use thicker thread, for example wool-acrylic or a cotton-acrylic threads, instead of increasing thread layers.
In computerised embroidery cross-stitch patterns with high quantity of layers is not efficient, because cross-stitches lose their shape and quality of look.
Cross stitches variations:
single (two layers of thread) — you'll get quite pale result of the pattern. Although, if you want to use this option and have preferable beautiful pattern, you should make cross-stitches in small sizes;
double (four layers of thread) — the most conventional type of the machine cross-stitch embroidery, affordable by price and good appearance;
triple (six layers of thread) —the more expensive and absolutely perfect option;
quadruple (eight layers of thread) — this cross-stitch is not applied, because of its price and big quantity of fabric punctures. .
Samples of the cross-stitch accomplishing in various sizes
There's no sense to embroider 2mm cross-stitch by thick thread. But it makes a point of increasing cross-stitch size up to 7mm, in case if large details in your design are acceptable. .
Applying thick acrylic thread, like for instance Gunold Filaine, gives special hand-crafted effect, though using this thread may be a little bit tricky during manufacturing process.
This type of supplies are not suitable for use by the most popular embroidery machines. It is considered to use common thin embroidery threads, which are numbers 30 or 40.
Our company has developed this innovative technology of applying thick embroidery threads. And we are proud to show you our great embroidery designs, which we were able to achieve using decorative professional threads.
This acrylic thread is absolutely incredible for cross-stitch embroidery. Cross-stitch design looks very spectacular, takes on new dimension, which you are not able to get, using other available types of threads and almost can't be distinguished from hand cross-stitch.
Also be advised, using this type of thread your size of the cross-stitch must not be too small. Even 5mm or 6mm cross-stitch looks perfect enough.
As we mentioned before, using special thick thread requires some certain technological skills.
The pricing for wool and cotton-acrylic thread is high then for usual embroidery thread, but may be slightly different. Because stitch quantity is significantly fewer.
Our knowledgeable, experienced and trustworthy team of experts will be happy to assist you in all aspects of the embroidering process.